Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 45: Profile Picture

To add a little adventure and excitement to the monotony of my work day, today I ventured to the new bathroom across the office.  It was a beautiful brass-furnished bathroom complete with an octagonal mirror through which I could see every single angle of my face.  I must have spent twenty minutes just standing there fascinated by the ability to scrutinize each and every facet of my post-surgery profile.  The changes are indeed subtle, but definitely significant!  I can't help feeling that this was the way I was always supposed to look-- I love seeing photos of my profile now!

I'm still very malar-deficient, but there's not much I can do about that.  It's an amazing feeling to have the most difficult parts of surgery behind me and to be enjoying the results. :)


  1. Your progress is really fantastic! I have to also say you look a lot younger post surgery (at least in pictures). I hope this doesn't upset you! I've always looked young and hated it up until about 30. Trust me, it's a good thing!

    1. Thank you Amanda! I hope you're doing well! That's funny that you say that-- I've had people tell me I look older! I don't wear makeup in most of these photos, maybe that's why I look younger. I really can't tell!

  2. Those octagonal mirrors are my nightmare! But your profile is so lovely and delicate and feminine! I'm so happy you're so happy!

    I just finished a new post with lots of photos - my last underbite photos without braces EVER!

    1. Aww thank you! I will be much happier once this splint is finally out :)
      I will go check you out!

  3. Hey again, Allie...I was thinking about how you said you were malar deficient. Was there ever any talk of implants in your case? (not that I think you need them - you look gorgeous!) I will be having infra-orbital rim implants. I know it's a really personal question, so I understand if you don't want to comment!

  4. Hi! There definitely was talk of implants, but at the time I didn't consider them for fear of not looking like myself. My dad has similar flat cheeks-- its just a genetic thing. For now I'm taking one surgery at a time, but I'm not totally ruling out implants for the future!

  5. Im at 45 days now and I'm definitely still malar deficient as well. No one has mentioned anything about implants, so I guess I'll see how things go as time goes on.
