Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 34: Work Again & Ortho Visit

I'm typing this blog post through itching, burning, aching, squinting eyes.  After such a long respite from alarm clocks and responsibilities, I'm absolutely exhausted from my first day back at work.  It's not that my work is very demanding-- I am just interning from the summer-- but the project I am working on involves long energy-zapping intervals of staring at the computer.  Everyone was eager to ask about my surgery and how I was feeling-- I tried not to spit all over the place as I told them.  My boss told me he was glad to have me back!

My fatigue was not helped by having to go directly to the orthodontist after work, where I learned that I will have to remain in metal braces for at least SIX MONTHS after the splint is out.  When will this nightmare ever be over?  Granted braces aren't all that terrible, but I am just astounded by the length of time this whole process requires.  Because my orthodontist doesn't want to take any chances that my thin jawbones may splinter if I bite down too vigorously, he cannot rely on Invisalign to do the job.  So, braces it is.

I can now open my mouth about two finger-widths wide which means I've been more adventurous with foods.  If I am careful, I can pretty much consume anything within reason by lightly chewing with my splint.  Though I am so grateful for this, everything still has to be cut into small pieces so that food takes ages to consume.  I'm still trying to learn patience-- 28 days until splint freedom!

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