Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 8: Out and about!

Not much change today.  Aside from reeling from the six-week sentence I was issued yesterday, today seemed to signal that things would begin to return to some sort of normal.  I did get my first good look at the stitches under my upper lip this morning, as the area has been too tender to investigate before.  My first observation: my breath is terrible.  For this first week, I had been advised not to brush but use Peridex, an oral rinse.  This seems to get rid of the debris, but it does nowhere near the job needed to maintain a healthy mouth.  For this reason, I am left with a constant disgusting taste that is impossible to relieve.  My second observation was that a stitch appeared to have come loose, leaving a significant reddish gap.  My dad said that this was nothing to be worried about- the stitches are meant to dissolve and the gap did not look infected.  The right side of my face is still sore and I am hoping it heals quickly so that I may try and talk soon.
Another friend came over today: we took a walk around the neighborhood.  Though I was easily winded, I appreciated really being outside for the first time since surgery.  I had missed the sun on my face and the wind at my back.  The exercise was much needed as well- it was a welcome change from the hours of laying sedentary on the couch.

My friend said I'm looking like Lana Del Rey with my puffy lip!

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