Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 3: Adjusting!

Looking back, I feel as if one of the most difficult parts of this process was the anticipation.  Before surgery, there was the constant question if I made the right decision, if this was all going to be worth it.  Now that it's over, it's just matter of waiting out the recovery.  I've more or less adapted to my post-surgery lifestyle- I've got the whole syringe thing down!  The pain is pretty stable, but it's easily controlled with ice and motrin.  The tylenol with codeine makes me exhausted- I spent nearly all of today in bed either sleeping or half-awake.  The extent of my exercise was moving from the bed to the couch to watch Rain Man(great movie!) then back again.  I've been stretching, but any kind of heavy movement is impossible with the pain and tingling in my face.  I'm just hoping that this next week goes quickly!  I miss talking and smiling and laughing... :(  Today I also got the first good look at my new profile.  I am SO swollen!  I look like a puffy alien.  It's a little unnerving- It's difficult to accept that the chubby-faced girl in the mirror is me.  Because I'm still numb around my cheeks, I cannot even feel that the alien face is mine.  I could not bring myself to do anything even remotely productive today, so I will take better post-op pictures tomorrow.
But I did take this one of my profile, it looks so different!  I look a lot more balanced than I used to!  I'm hoping I'll look more normal once the swelling goes down. 

My dad says I look like Julia Roberts!

 This was my profile before while biting down.


  1. How did you feel transitioning from the tylenol with codeine to a non-rx medicine? I'm on Lortab with codeine every 4-6 hours and I feel like I need it every 3.5 hours, but I hate the idea of continuing to take it.

    1. I alternated between tylenol with codeine and children's motrin for the first week or so. This held the pain at bay but the first week was such a blur that I don't even remember being in that much pain-- I was mostly numb. I slowly weaned myself off of pain meds and I'm pretty sure I was off of them by the second week!
